Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Things That Make Me Mad....

  • The Vikings' Love Boat... Ok, I know most of you have read about this somewhere. The Minnesota Vikings star players rented two boats for the weekend to party, and they had plenty of booze and girls with them. So far, so good. While on this boat they got drunk and basically had a big orgy, and they were trying to get the boat staff to join the ruckus. When they refused, the players basically started treating them like shit. These players are getting out of control. I mean they already make an absurd amount of money playing a game. They all seem to be the same... Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey... etc. Rapists, murderers, theifs, wife beaters, gamblers.... etc. Time to get a grip.
  • Condelleza Rice... Just recently Condi was on Meet The Press to discuss our troops in Iraq, and she decided to try to legitimize the war by stating that there were "weapons of mass destruction". Sigh. We have to stop fooling people with this notion! I know that we got this information from British intelligence, and we were worried about the WMDs. We were there for oil, power, and revenge. Oil prices are through the roof, we have no power but we lose many lives every week in a country that still hates us. I guess the revenge part worked.
  • Dr. Phil... Do I need to explain this one? He says great things like "You don't need a lucky rabbit's foot to shave a weasel". Here is a great website on Dr. Phil.


Blogger Melanie said...

I'm holding the Dr. Phil thing against you! He has 30 years of experience in psychology and human functioning. His books have been published in 37 languages with over 22 million copies in print. He is also one of the world’s most sought-after public speakers. As a professional psychologist, he has published numerous scholarly articles and has practiced in the many fields of clinical psychology and behavioral medicine. Dr. Phil has a B.S, M.A. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from North Texas State University with a dual area of emphasis in clinical and behavioral medicine. He has been a board-certified and licensed clinical psychologist since 1978.

OK so I took that from the website ;) But the point is... the dude is smart, and he makes a whole lot of money doing something he enjoys (and he obviously enjoys it if he has been doing it for almost 30 years)... so more power to him!

But everyone is entitled to their own opinions :)

9:15 PM  
Blogger Deshaun said...

Cool blog man! Going to check you out more often.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Bleach The infamous strawberry said...

do u think someone take seriously dr PHIL?!

8:20 PM  

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