Should I stay or should I go.......

Oh yeah... if you want to see my ugly ass, click here..... and gimme a 10! (P.S. It's not a picture of my ass.... I promise! )
I am a pretty uncomplicated person, I have hopes and dreams just like the rest of you. I have strengths and weaknesses like the rest of you. This blog is basically about those strengths and weaknesses. I will give you ideas and an insight into life as I know it. But, mostly you will read about my ups and downs, and maybe you can see that we are all in this crazy world together.
Well the girls.... well they are usually the romantics, and like to think the best of themselves.
Whereas the guys, are moreso on the recieving end of this sort of behavior, and have already leant some lessons.
Gotta love that feeling of being totally hooked for someone, and its odd as sometimes it really hurts, but still feels so good you dont want to let it go.
Ive been reading your past post again, and thinking, what is it she has going on? Well regardless of if she is with someone else, or fucking their brains out, if its making her ignore you etc, i wouldnt have a bar of it and get her to (aussie slang) Bugger off!!
Try reading the trogon tremnerus post i linked to in the last comment, there might be some help in those experiences.
Okay, here is what I say. If you really want to chase her, do it. If you think you are ready to let it go, let it go. Do what YOU want to do. Or perhaps you could even keep the idea open of this girl, persue her... but at the same time continue on with your love life and continue to meet other girls. Don't just focus on this one girl who causes confusion... you might miss a chance with someone who could make you very happy.
Alex, I feel you..... What does Bugger off mean? Is it like saying Fuck Off?
Shawn, Shawn, Shawn...
You know what you have to do. But you don't want to admit it.
You're still holding out for the glimmer of hope... even though every second you hold out that hope, you make it less likely it will ever happen.
Instead of facing your situation, you're looking for people to tell you it's all right to keep doing something that's harmful to you and that's pushing her further away.
Time for tough love and a reality check. Snap out of it. Stop hurting yourself by waiting for her.
Bugger off means fuck off essentially, just mabye a less rude/crass way of saying so. And i dissagree with melanie, as there is no way to do these things in halves, as every time you will see her your head will race just as hard. Its either on, or its off.
LOL, only you know your heart. Listen to your inner vioce, if its saying nothing, :P Let her go. Never chase a women that doesn't want to be chase, even if you catch her, she will never realy be yours. Good luck! AB :)
see that comment above this? I guess we have the same opinion that you're a reservation. What do you really want to do? A lot of my friends ask me these things too about their relationships. And I tell them this, Go for him/her and get hurt, or go away and get hurt, too. Either way you get hurt but the latter can always give you self respect. You know, unlike holding on and hoping while she's there with the other one. I've been through a lot of these feelings, you know waiting and hoping. But when the person I like starts to get confused between me and another girl, oh my, I just have to go. Coz for me confusion means one thing - not enough love.
I gave ya a 10 hun :)
Hey Shawn,
I am in a similar situation but haven't posted it on my blog yet (thanks for your comment!)
I definitely agree with jhena and some of the others who said this Rose girl is just keeping you around as a "reservation" or "back up plan" so to speak. She also doesn't want to lose you because (as another comment said) you are someone who provides a shoulder to cry on, someone who gives her advice without a lecture, someone who will be there to support her no matter what - basically, her best FRIEND.
This Rose, she sounds like a great girl, but she doesn't sound like a great girlfriend.
I think you need to keep your head up and look around, because if you keep walking with your chin welded to your chest and your eyes watching your shoelaces then you won't see the woman of your dreams checking you out as you walk by her.
male best friend to female = emotional tampon.
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