Chapter 2- The Grass isn't Greener...
This story is going to take a few days, maybe weeks.... I will have all the chapters in this blue, so you can navigate.
......( con't ) It's not like things were bad at my moms' place, actually, in hindsight, it was pretty good. At the time I did not like it very much because of my stepfather. He wasn't a terrible guy, but he and my mom had a daughter together and she was the princess. She was treated so much different than me. I was like the bastard child that he had to take care of, and she was the legitimate child that he loved. ( Listen, for the record, I am sorry my real dad was irresponsible, and I am sorry you had to take care of his child.... I never expected you to love me, but I was surprised that you didn't.) So, anyways, I figured now that my real father was back, I could get out. I had spent enough weekends with him, I knew how it would be. I was nine, what did I know? I moved after the fourth grade. There were no tears from my mother, and I can't remember my stepfather caring too much. My five year old sister cried. For the summer it was pretty much how I described it before, baseball, greasy food, bars, video games. It was a kids dream. We also went camping alot with people from the bar, and now that I remember... it was mostly single dads with their kids for the weekend. My dad knew a guy that owned a lake back in the woods. It was a lot of good food, alot of beer, horseshoes, swimming and just lounging. It was just perfect.
As summer came to an end, I had to prepare to go to a new school with all new kids. It wouldn't be too bad, I already knew alot of the boys from playing little league. I wasn't very nervous about it. I was more concerned about getting school clothes and supplies. I grew out of most of my clothes from the previous year, and needed quite a few new things. My dad was not interested in spending the money on silly things like school supplies and such. He had to save his money for the bar. I didn't understand it at the time, but he was an alcholholic. He wasn't an angry drunk, and he could hold his own in the drinking department. I eventually got the bare essentials for school, and I was ready to start making new friends. I did miss my other friends alot. Especially Matt, Chad, and Billy. And I had a big crush on this girl named Amy... I would definitly miss her.... I had no idea what the future would hold for her........( con't )

......( con't ) It's not like things were bad at my moms' place, actually, in hindsight, it was pretty good. At the time I did not like it very much because of my stepfather. He wasn't a terrible guy, but he and my mom had a daughter together and she was the princess. She was treated so much different than me. I was like the bastard child that he had to take care of, and she was the legitimate child that he loved. ( Listen, for the record, I am sorry my real dad was irresponsible, and I am sorry you had to take care of his child.... I never expected you to love me, but I was surprised that you didn't.) So, anyways, I figured now that my real father was back, I could get out. I had spent enough weekends with him, I knew how it would be. I was nine, what did I know? I moved after the fourth grade. There were no tears from my mother, and I can't remember my stepfather caring too much. My five year old sister cried. For the summer it was pretty much how I described it before, baseball, greasy food, bars, video games. It was a kids dream. We also went camping alot with people from the bar, and now that I remember... it was mostly single dads with their kids for the weekend. My dad knew a guy that owned a lake back in the woods. It was a lot of good food, alot of beer, horseshoes, swimming and just lounging. It was just perfect.
As summer came to an end, I had to prepare to go to a new school with all new kids. It wouldn't be too bad, I already knew alot of the boys from playing little league. I wasn't very nervous about it. I was more concerned about getting school clothes and supplies. I grew out of most of my clothes from the previous year, and needed quite a few new things. My dad was not interested in spending the money on silly things like school supplies and such. He had to save his money for the bar. I didn't understand it at the time, but he was an alcholholic. He wasn't an angry drunk, and he could hold his own in the drinking department. I eventually got the bare essentials for school, and I was ready to start making new friends. I did miss my other friends alot. Especially Matt, Chad, and Billy. And I had a big crush on this girl named Amy... I would definitly miss her.... I had no idea what the future would hold for her........( con't )
I have a feeling this is what my neice's blog will read like in a few years.
Shawn, are you sure your parents won't know about these entries?
I used to think my papa's the best in the world until one day I just gave up on this idea.
I don't care if my parents know.... this is how I feel. I don't mean to hurt them, but we are not close at all.... and did they worry about hurting me?
I realy like how you express yourself. We all carry crap from our pasts. Expressing it here should help you move through the pain. Anyway, I hope that it does.I realy like your blog. I haven't had a chance to read the whole things yet, but I am working on it. :)
I myself have been putting togeather a new blog
I hope you will stop by and check it out.
Would it be OK, for me to add a link on my blog to yours? Wondering....AB
One thing that you should remember dude, is to never regret the past, let it all out but don't regret it. If it wasn't for your pass, you wouldn't be who you are now. Don't know you well but for me, my estrange relationship with my dad made me stronger and vowed that I wouldn't be like him. Hope it's the same for you dude.
thank you for posting my link...I've posted yours as well...awesome blog sweety =)
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