Chapter 3: In a Van Down by the River....
This story is going to take a few days, maybe weeks.... I will have all the chapters in this blue, so you can navigate.
.... (con't ).... Anyways, school wasn't bad and the kids were nice enough for a while. You see, I guess you can't be popular if you don't have all the coolest clothes, brand name shoes, or the cool TrapperKeeper! I guess I took some of this stuff for granted when I lived with my mom. Not that I had much more when I was living with her, but it seemed like alot now. My haircut was always a couple of weeks overdue, and I know that may seem like a small thing , but kids are brutal. I was pretty smart in school, but my grades were not the greatest. See, my father could care less if I had homework, or a test the next day. I thought it was great. On the weekends, instead of playing with my friends, I would be going to work with my father in the van. Oh, the van. It was a 1980 Chevy van, painted primer grey, had no windows in the back. and was full of junk. I can't even explain how loud it was.... you couldn't even hear the 8-Track playing. It didn't really help my popularity when he would pick me up in this beast. After work, we would head to the bar for a few drinks. I would get my fill of pop, but I bet if I asked for a cocktail, I would have no problem getting one. My father would probably be proud of me if I did, you know.... put a little hair on my chest. We lived in a two bedroom trailer in the "Nice" trailer park in town. It gets better.... we lived in this trailer with my grandmother, his mother. Between the two of them, they smoked about four packs of cheap cigarettes a day. She was a miserable woman ( I loved her dearly ), and he was always drunk and bitchin' about something. It was joy. Oh yeah, so back to the two bedrooms. One for my him and one for her. Where did I sleep you ask? Good question. I slept on the floor in the living room, which was always occupied with one of them watching TV until at least midnight. I got lots of sleep, as you can imagine. . . . . .( con't )

diggin your blog...i'll get a link up for you soon =)
You havn't posted for a while! Where did you go??
Btw, throwin you a link up on my site.
How did you do the scrolly thing?!
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