Chapter 1- You Ever Wonder.....
This story is going to take a few days, maybe weeks.... I will have all the chapters in this blue, so you can navigate.
You ever wonder if one of your parents ever really loved you? I mean sometimes they kind of have to act like they do, but do they really?
I never really knew my father. I lived with him for 6 years. Wait, these two statements don't go together, do they? Well, I never knew my father before I was ten years old... or, at least, I don't remember him. I don't remember most of my early childhood, and quite frankly I don't want to remember it. I have been told that I probably am supressing those memories, because they are painful and unpleasant. So, they can stay suppressed, because if they are anything like the stuff I do remember.... No good.
When my father moved back to Ohio from Texas, my mother told me "Your father has started paying me child support again( he owed over $10,000 ), and you will be spending every other weekend with him." Oh no I wouldn't.... I didn't even know this man. Didn't she tell me not to talk to strangers? She continued... "He'll be here in an hour, go pack a bag." I was not happy, but I decided to give him a chance. He picked me up, and I was curious about where we would be going. We were going to work. He was a refridgerator repair man, and I got to accompany him on his jobs, and sit in the van. Fun. When we were done, we would go to a bar. I was nine, sitting at a bar with a bunch of people who hated their lives. But, it was fun.... soft drinks, greasy food, and video games. I got to be by myself.... roam around and try to get into trouble.... a kids dream. Somehow we decided that I was good at sports, and since it was baseball season.... he enrolled me in little league. I think it was just a place to drop me off.... the fields were right by the bar. In my first game, I hit a homerun and played well in the field. When he heard this... he became interested and started helping coaching. He was a great athlete in his day, I been told... and he was actually proud of me. I was having so much fun... Baseball, bars, junk food, video games.... did I mention bars? I decided it was so much fun, I asked if I could move in with him. My mom didn't like the idea, but after awhile she gave in. That would be the worst mistake I ever made........... (To be con't. )

You ever wonder if one of your parents ever really loved you? I mean sometimes they kind of have to act like they do, but do they really?
I never really knew my father. I lived with him for 6 years. Wait, these two statements don't go together, do they? Well, I never knew my father before I was ten years old... or, at least, I don't remember him. I don't remember most of my early childhood, and quite frankly I don't want to remember it. I have been told that I probably am supressing those memories, because they are painful and unpleasant. So, they can stay suppressed, because if they are anything like the stuff I do remember.... No good.
When my father moved back to Ohio from Texas, my mother told me "Your father has started paying me child support again( he owed over $10,000 ), and you will be spending every other weekend with him." Oh no I wouldn't.... I didn't even know this man. Didn't she tell me not to talk to strangers? She continued... "He'll be here in an hour, go pack a bag." I was not happy, but I decided to give him a chance. He picked me up, and I was curious about where we would be going. We were going to work. He was a refridgerator repair man, and I got to accompany him on his jobs, and sit in the van. Fun. When we were done, we would go to a bar. I was nine, sitting at a bar with a bunch of people who hated their lives. But, it was fun.... soft drinks, greasy food, and video games. I got to be by myself.... roam around and try to get into trouble.... a kids dream. Somehow we decided that I was good at sports, and since it was baseball season.... he enrolled me in little league. I think it was just a place to drop me off.... the fields were right by the bar. In my first game, I hit a homerun and played well in the field. When he heard this... he became interested and started helping coaching. He was a great athlete in his day, I been told... and he was actually proud of me. I was having so much fun... Baseball, bars, junk food, video games.... did I mention bars? I decided it was so much fun, I asked if I could move in with him. My mom didn't like the idea, but after awhile she gave in. That would be the worst mistake I ever made........... (To be con't. )

The beginning of this story is well written and I do want to read the rest. I hope you find the time to write it up soon.
Thanks for the nice comments on my site. I like yours and I'm just getting familiar with it. I'll be back!
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