I Feel Sorry for the Perfect Ones...
Feeling screwed up in a screwed up place, in a screwed up time, does not mean that you are screwed up.- Mark in "Pump up the Volume"
I think the biggest problem with calling someone perfect is that they may start believing it. And, that brings us to a pivital question... If you are perfect, can you ever do anything wrong? I mean, you would not be perfect if you could be wrong. That would be imperfect. Perfect is ugly to me. Call me crazy, but your imperfections are what make you beautiful. So, let's get this straight... Perfect=Ugly.... Imperfect=Beautiful. Guess I could never write for one of those Glamour magazines.
Let's look at this a little more closely, shall we? I have a friend that dates this girl that we'll call Amy. She is absolutely beautiful. She is a sweet girl that doesn't seem to have a care in the world. Why, you ask? Because he calls her perfect all the time, not only to his friends, but to her as well. I can't say that i haven't done this myself, but let me warn you.... You tell her that she is perfect too many times and, she will believe it. And Amy does. She gets everything her way, everytime. It could be something as innocent as where to go for dinner( I swear, if he was allergic to seafood, and she wanted to go to Red Lobster... they would go). It also can be something as serious as where he is going to work. Most importantly, she can do nothing wrong. She lies, cheats and probably murders... and she bats her little eyes, cries and screams out " I am sorry I am not perfect!" This would be a perfect time to tell her she is right. I mean, you don't have to be mean about it.... "Baby, no one is perfect", or, "I know you aren't perfect, that's why I love you". But no, what does he say? "Baby, don't say that.... you are perfect". And God forbid that he does something wrong! He will hear about it forever, and pay for it dearly. This has taken a toll and, he no longer thinks she is the one. He is stuck. And so miserable.
Ladies, stop trying to be perfect. We love you because you are not. We love you because you are different from the next. You are special. Unique. Quit reading those stupid magazines that are preaching that you need to be a certain way. I will tell you now, if you think you are perfect... I feel sorry for you. You are going to be alone for a long time. Or, even better, you are going to be with someone that hates you... but, at least he tells you that you are perfect.
For the girls that know they are not perfect... good for you. Can I give some advice to you, too? Well, I am gonna anyway. When your man makes a mistake, no matter how small or how big... Forgive him. Give him another chance. You know you are not perfect already, now you need to realize that he isn't either. We are all human. We make mistakes. We have flaws. You know deep in your heart if he loves you. You know if he means well. If you know these things, and treat each other the same... you'll be happy. You'll be loved.
- The Perfect Ones....

- Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
- Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen.
- Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.
- Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation: She was the perfect actress for the part.
- Completely corresponding to a description, standard, or type: a perfect circle; a perfect gentleman.
- Accurately reproducing an original: a perfect copy of the painting.
- Complete; thorough; utter: a perfect fool.
- Pure; undiluted; unmixed: perfect red.
- Excellent and delightful in all respects: a perfect day.
I think the biggest problem with calling someone perfect is that they may start believing it. And, that brings us to a pivital question... If you are perfect, can you ever do anything wrong? I mean, you would not be perfect if you could be wrong. That would be imperfect. Perfect is ugly to me. Call me crazy, but your imperfections are what make you beautiful. So, let's get this straight... Perfect=Ugly.... Imperfect=Beautiful. Guess I could never write for one of those Glamour magazines.
Let's look at this a little more closely, shall we? I have a friend that dates this girl that we'll call Amy. She is absolutely beautiful. She is a sweet girl that doesn't seem to have a care in the world. Why, you ask? Because he calls her perfect all the time, not only to his friends, but to her as well. I can't say that i haven't done this myself, but let me warn you.... You tell her that she is perfect too many times and, she will believe it. And Amy does. She gets everything her way, everytime. It could be something as innocent as where to go for dinner( I swear, if he was allergic to seafood, and she wanted to go to Red Lobster... they would go). It also can be something as serious as where he is going to work. Most importantly, she can do nothing wrong. She lies, cheats and probably murders... and she bats her little eyes, cries and screams out " I am sorry I am not perfect!" This would be a perfect time to tell her she is right. I mean, you don't have to be mean about it.... "Baby, no one is perfect", or, "I know you aren't perfect, that's why I love you". But no, what does he say? "Baby, don't say that.... you are perfect". And God forbid that he does something wrong! He will hear about it forever, and pay for it dearly. This has taken a toll and, he no longer thinks she is the one. He is stuck. And so miserable.
Ladies, stop trying to be perfect. We love you because you are not. We love you because you are different from the next. You are special. Unique. Quit reading those stupid magazines that are preaching that you need to be a certain way. I will tell you now, if you think you are perfect... I feel sorry for you. You are going to be alone for a long time. Or, even better, you are going to be with someone that hates you... but, at least he tells you that you are perfect.
For the girls that know they are not perfect... good for you. Can I give some advice to you, too? Well, I am gonna anyway. When your man makes a mistake, no matter how small or how big... Forgive him. Give him another chance. You know you are not perfect already, now you need to realize that he isn't either. We are all human. We make mistakes. We have flaws. You know deep in your heart if he loves you. You know if he means well. If you know these things, and treat each other the same... you'll be happy. You'll be loved.
Hey there...I agree with you about finding the beauty in our own imperfections. Problem is, no one in Hollywood wants you to believe it. That's why I like to see celebs show us their "other" side. The flawed face. The imperfect line of dialogue. Then again, perhaps your friend and "Amy" work best that way because the relationship itself is imperfect. It works because it's flawed. It serves them both well because neither is perfect on their own. I cherish my flaws, of which I have many. And I urge everyone, all your readers, and mine, to do the same. "People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it" -- Edith Schaeffer.
Hey thanx for stopping by..yes I write them myself in answer to your question :)
I am far from perfect myself, i like it that way.....my faults are what make me who I am, as you say...'unique' :)
This was a good post, nice to see the male's point of view.
I don't get the whole perfect thing. No one is perfect. Even when you look at some of the most beautiful women in the world - they don't look so hot without makeup.
For me, it's all about personality, not looks. I'm so far from perfect looking and it makes me crazy to see nice guys end up with someone like Amy who treats them like crap. Or nice girls who end up with good looking guys who abuse them (mentally or physically) or walk all over them.
got ur link of gaya's blog... brilliant post... ur absolutely right ... imperfection is beauty ... the only perfect thing in the world is love ... what say thee??
I totally agree with what you said about perfection; one's 'faults' are what makes one unique. I see that everyone who's commented agreed with you...I wonder where are those who are like your friend and "Amy"? Well, I know I'm not anywhere near perfect, however, I do know that I am almost always right. Haha. :) Cheers!
I definitely would vouch for what you have said about imperfection. I do know of someone who feels being perfect is something that people should strive for. What this person forgets to understand is that imperfection is what keeps people interested in them, most especially me. Perfection is mundane, mediocre. Imperfection is interesting, dynamical and eventful.
:) what a coincidence. i wrote abt something like this too.
in reality, NOTHING n NO ONE is perfect. you can only find your ms/mr. right.
Hey, thanks for this blog. It was awesome, and it's nice to be reminded from time to time. Actually, as I'm sitting here I'm realizing that this is kind of a confirmation about something that was said to me the other day. You have no idea what I'm talking about, but still. Flippin sweet. Thank you!
Anyway, you came by my blog the other day and posted a comment, which is how I found yours. Sorry I'm just now getting around to commenting here. I hope that you have an awesome day, and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of your stuff. :)
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