Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Comments on comments......

Alright. Let's get a few things straight. This is my website, and I will write about whatever I want. Plain and simple. If that bothers you, or you don't like me.... PLEASE CLICK HERE. But, I will say this.... if you do not want your name on here, just tell me. I'll take it off. Just like I did for someone below. It's not a big deal. I have never(and will never) put anyones personal business on here. I spare the details. I am not here to bad mouth anyone, even if some people want to bad mouth me in the comments section. It's cool if you don't like me, you don't have to. But, if you want to leave a comment.... and if it's really the way you feel.... leave your name. Why hide if you are just expressing how you feel? Don't be anonymous. I Ain't Mad At Ya!!!click here!

So, let me share some of the comments with you, and give you my response.

Shawn.... you are completely pathetic and you need to get over this (name deleted) situation... Don't mean to be so harsh, but she doesn't really care...
She really doesn't appreciate you spilling her business out there like that...... "W"

Ok, well first I deleted the name of the person who left this comment (even though she left her name). I don't mind the advice, but this (name deleted) situation was over weeks prior to you leaving this message. I don't mind you being "harsh", but I don't think that you were being "harsh" to me. I think a little ignorant when you call people names. But, you are entitled to your opinion. And her business was never out there. I just said how I felt about her, and that she was a great girl. But, nonetheless... I took her name out.... and I have spoken to her about it as well. She agreed that I really didn't say anything that was personal. And I think she can speak for herself. As for you.... I have never had anything against you, and never will. I know you talk alot of bad shit about me..... opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Thanks for yours, and I wish you the best.

Come on are you for real, maybe your ex's should read and respond, I thought you were better than this...u r not emotional like this Just be yourself and don't try to impress strangers, U A PLAYA!

Ok, well I am not sure who left this one (Anonymous). But, I don't know why my ex's should read this, but if they did.... I think they all would tell you that I am very emotional in my personal life. So, this tells me that you are not close to me. I don't get real close to people, that way they can't see that I am really a mess. It would be impossible to not be.... see, I been through alot. I never had a real good home life, and I was beat so many times by my father that it would make you sick. My Grandpa tried to raise me, and he died when I was 16. He was like my father, so imagine your father dying when you were 16. My first love left me for another, and I lost it.... got some charges pressed on me.... and lost a real good scholarship because of it. My best friend since I was 10 got luekemia, and went into a coma when he was 25. I used to visit him every Wednesday... one time I showed up and they told me he died. My best friend. And I been through some shit since then. So please don't act like you know me.... If you can go through my life and not be emotional.... you are better than me. As far as being myself.... I am. I will admit you probably don't know the real me, because I never let you in. Not necessarily because I didn't like you.... probably was just scared to let you close to me. I have that problem. And I never was a playa.... just a flirt. Thanks for your opinion.

I am one of your ex's and i know that you are emotional. Sweet and emotional. Come on Shawn, you can do better than that girl. You have to let her go. If she truly wanted to be with you, she wouldn't hesitate. Sometimes i even kick myself for letting you go....

Well, this one was anonymous as well so..... I have no idea who it is. I have had few ex's so the list is short. Anyway, just as I said... my ex's will tell you I am emotional... and I am not saying that is a good thing. I have let her go weeks ago, so this situation is over. And you are right she would not have hesitated. By the way, you should never have regrets about letting someone go. I guess it wasn't meant to be. We are both probably different people now... people change. If you ever regret it enough to see if it could work again... don't be shy. You never know. I only really hate one ex, and I know it ain't you. Thanks again for the kind words.

Shawn,Ok you know that your past doesn't go along with these feelings for anyone who knows you can tell that this is not true...i mean her age is within your range, but she is worth more than being with you...maybe you should try being with someone your own age...It is not her fault that she wants to have a life and experience other things besides you, at her age she should not have to worry about making anyone happy but herself, leave her alone . For those of you reading this and don't understand what I am talking about...he tells alot of younger girls that he LOVES them and THEY ARE THE ONLY ONE and well the list does go on, Shawn some advice let it go and get someone your age that wants to settle down and has seen more and done more in life than her,I know the way you have treated some of your ex's and it's not that great so maybe (YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE READING THOSE MAGAZINES FOR SOME ADVICE), they do help out.

This is my favorite... anonymous again. You assume you know my past.... you probably have known me less than two years, since thats when I moved back here. And I have no ex's in that time.... zero. And I have told one girl that I loved her in that time. I will not give her name, but she knows who she is. And I consider her a friend now. And she also knows that it was a mistake, I really didn't mean it. I had a big crush on her, and I was lonely at the time. I only could see that she was a great girl, and she would be a great girl to be with. That's all. And it was not the girl in my previous post. As far as it being a younger girl.... you act like I am 40 years old. I am 27.... wow. I apologize to all the girls that are my age that I never asked out. I do apologize. I am sorry that I have no desire to be with someone that has an ex-husband, or four kids with three different babies daddies. I don't mind kids, as a matter of fact.... I love them. I have dated some girls with a kid. Mostly a young kid.... not a twelve year old. I also do want to start my own family as well. So I am attracted to girls younger tham me.... so what. They seem to be the sweetest, and they haven't slept with half the county. As far as your opinion that age does matter.... Age did not matter when my adult father used to beat the shit out of me.... for no reason. Age did not matter when my uncle died of brain cancer, leaving a wife and two young children, Age did not matter when I was living on my own at 16, and Age did not seem to matter when my best friend died when he was 25.... he was healthy all his life. Age doesn't matter to all these girls my age around here.... they all have kids when they are in their teens or early twenties. God, knows they were not ready.... but they dealt with it. Age matters nothing to me.... I only care if you are a good person. Thanks for the advice on the magazines.... I'll look into it.

I am not truly one of Shawn's ex's, but I have had a relationship with him. He is nice enough. He never treated me wrongly. As a matter of fact, i kept bouncing back and forth between him and my ex. He was always supportive of my decision, and even though it hurt him.... he stayed my friend. I love him, and I am proud of him for expressing his feelings. He is very sensitive, and would give you the shirt off his back. And don't let him make you think he doesn't like kids.... I have a young one that he adores.

Lol, I think I know who this is. Well, thank you baby.... and I do adore your little one.

So there are some of the comments. I find it amazing that most of these people have to be anonymous. I guess it's ok. The things I do mind are mostly guys that like to talk it up behind my back. Listen fellas, I am sure I always treated you fairly.... but if you do have a problem.... be a man, and step up... 3461 Dunstan Dr. is where you can find me. Click here for directions.

Last Night.....
So, last night was cool. Nothing special, just a few people came over to watch the game. I have pretty much stayed to myself lately, and as I once said... I felt most of my friends have turned there backs on me. So, last night made me feel better. I been helping The Prince bet on some football games, and we were very interested in the outcome of the game last night. We took Atlanta -8, and over 40pts. Won Both!!!!! Yay Prince!! Big Money!!!!

The other people that came over were a surprise. An old friend, and one of her friends. I only met her other friend once, but she seemed really cool. Everything was chill. Alot of cigerettes were smoked, and alot of beers consumed(mostly by the same person).... One other person was gonna come, but decided that she would be uncomfortable.... and is probably worried that I may be upset with her. I am not, for the record, and you are welcome anytime. I told you that when I called you last night.

And shut the refridgerator.... please. I know it's tricky. LOL.


Blogger Jhena said...

People read; people read and go; people read and give you advice; sometimes people read and give you sh&%*! Sometimes it's really disappointing. But this is it- Life as we know it and commentors also speak about life as they know it. But I guess people who give harsh comments are better than those people who give you nothing but spam.

And umm, being emotional is a good edge, just don't over do it. And as far as I can read on your blogs, you're not over doing it. Just on the right track! Keep it up!

Oh well, this is your blog, you can over do everything you want. Forget my 2nd paragraph.

Keep blogging, I'm always reading!

11:20 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

ah the 1st lesson of blogging!

Dont let people you know in real life read your blog!!!!!

The fun of blogging is having people you dont know come read and give advice. But letting those who you know in the 'real world' read your blog ends in dissaster. As here you are telling a story, and everyone has a different take on the same events.

12:07 AM  

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