Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'll Do Me, You Do You...

NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks NFL Week 5 Picks

My NFL picks... Kansas City 24 Miami 10, Detroit 17 Cleveland 7, Indy 40 Houston 13, St. Louis 27 New Orleans 10, San Diego 24 Philly 21, Green Bay 17 Minnesota 10, Pittsburgh 21 Cincy 13, Washington 17 San Fran 14 Seattle 27 Dallas 24, Buffalo 21 Oakland 13, Tennessee 10 Arizona 7, Baltimore 16 Chicago 6, Denver 17 NY giants 10, Atlanta 27 NY Jets 13

I'll Do Me, You Do You.............

I don't care what you think. I don't care how you feel about it. I don't care about what you want me to do, how you want me to feel, or how you see me. I am me. If you don't like what you see... walk away. I don't care. I want to be me, and dammit I am going to do just that. I need to be happy and satisfied with me. Shit, I don't even know me. Who am I? I am me. I don't care about material things. Money is a necessary thing.... and I only want enough to let me live. I am just an ordinary person wanting to be happy, wanting to be loved. I guess that's why it is so hard to find true love without being fake. It's true. You want someone to love you so bad that you do things that aren't you. You finally get them to love you, and a year or two later it is over because you get comfortable, and you show your true colors. Oh, you never though about it that way? The truth hurts. So quit telling me I should do this, I should buy that, I should feel this.... I'll do me, You do you.

Ever since I started feeling this way I have been quite lonely. This makes me wonder who are really friends of mine. Who is fake, who is real? I haven't had a real relationship in a while, and it's getting old. Do I really need to be something other than myself to be accepted? To be loved? Let me see... my parents don't love me, my extended family doesn't love me, my friends don't love me, I have no potential relationship on the horizon, and I don't really believe that I love myself. Maybe I am just unlovable. I mean I love others, and when I mean love... I mean I would do anything for them. ANYTHING. I love my Mom(even though she may not know it), I love my sister( her ex-boyfriend learned this the hard way last week), I love my friends... Reed, Shaf, Joe, Mags, Brew, Brandon, Kev, Lauren, Alex... and a certain girl that will remain nameless. You know who you are, even though you were never ready to hear it (and no it's not the girl I previously wrote about ). These are people that I would sacrifice anything for. Some of them do not feel the same, in fact, I think none of them do.

Don't think that I am looking for any kind of sympathy here. I am used to this life that I have made for myself. I don't let people get close to me anymore because I am scared of being hurt (thanks dad). Well whatever..............

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Things That Make Me Mad....

  • The Vikings' Love Boat... Ok, I know most of you have read about this somewhere. The Minnesota Vikings star players rented two boats for the weekend to party, and they had plenty of booze and girls with them. So far, so good. While on this boat they got drunk and basically had a big orgy, and they were trying to get the boat staff to join the ruckus. When they refused, the players basically started treating them like shit. These players are getting out of control. I mean they already make an absurd amount of money playing a game. They all seem to be the same... Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey... etc. Rapists, murderers, theifs, wife beaters, gamblers.... etc. Time to get a grip.
  • Condelleza Rice... Just recently Condi was on Meet The Press to discuss our troops in Iraq, and she decided to try to legitimize the war by stating that there were "weapons of mass destruction". Sigh. We have to stop fooling people with this notion! I know that we got this information from British intelligence, and we were worried about the WMDs. We were there for oil, power, and revenge. Oil prices are through the roof, we have no power but we lose many lives every week in a country that still hates us. I guess the revenge part worked.
  • Dr. Phil... Do I need to explain this one? He says great things like "You don't need a lucky rabbit's foot to shave a weasel". Here is a great website on Dr. Phil.