Monday, December 26, 2005

"Two Tickets to Hell Please"......

So, Xmas is over.... thankfully! Don't get me wrong..... I hope everyone had a great time, and I hope you got everything you wanted. If you did not get everything you wanted, remember this.... if you did not lose any family members or friends this year..... you got plenty. That's what it is all about.

Every Xmas day I get some friends together and go to the movies, this year was no exception. It was just me and Brandon this year, and we decided to go to see "The Ringer" with Johnny Knoxville. Ok, so you know when you buy a ticket to this movie... you also get a ticket to HELL!!!! I mean it.... I did not know that it was buy one get one free.... but, I soon found out. This movie is a test from Jesus.... if you laugh at mentally challenged people.... you go to H E double hockey sticks. I swear. Johnny Knoxville acts retarded ( more retarded than normal ), and the rest of the cast is actual retarded people...... so, how the fuck can you laugh at that? Seriously, I know this movie is meant to make you laugh... but don't. It has no plot, bad acting, and the only funny parts..... are stuff you should not laugh at. Many times, Brandon looked at me and said.... "We are going to Hell." It's true. We went to see this movie on Jesus' Birthday... that is like first class ticket to Hell shit.