Credit cards - the devil. The turning wheel of the economy. Actually the turning wheel is greed, or the greed provoked by the government. People are greedy. That's why they are miserable. Everyone wants to have more then the rest. To have more in one aspect of life or another. Whether it is money aspect, knowledge aspect, etc. Seems that's the way things work. Everyone want to go to sleep thinking "Yeah, I got it good... I am better off all the miserable fuckers I know. I got money/friends/brains compared to the people around me. Yeah, I got it good". Smile happily and go to bed.
Why don't we appreciate the conveniences of modern life the way someone from the past would appreciate them if he had them? Why don't we enjoy things the way an African or an Asian would? Why our kids don't play and protect their toys as the poor kids in other countries would? It's not the kid's fault. They are a product of the environment they were brought in. Environment created by their parents. The environment of the parents is created by society. The environment of the society is created by government. A government created by the society. A society created by parents. Parents that were a product of their environment. It's a vicious circle. There is very few that are trying to break that cycle. I think it is important to ask questions and be awake. To think about what is religion, marriage, relationships, happiness. Not just to go with the flow. I think the only way a person can be happy is to be a good person, to do what is right, the way his consciousness tells him (and not rationalize his egoism). It's sounds simple. So simple. People usually expect a complex solution to being happy. They expect a secret mathematical formula to be the key to happiness. I don't think there is one. The credit cards are the ones that keeps in this vicious cycle that we live in.
Look at this rich dude from the commercial, how awesome would it be to be like him. If I was him I would be sooo happy. It might be a little expensive but I will buy this - at least I would be better off. Hi, this plasma TV, yeah this one for $50,000, it says on the specs that it can give blowjobs and cook too. I would like to buy it... how low can you make my monthly payments? It doesn't matter how years would it take me to pay it off. And don't even mention the interest because I am scared I would decide against buying it. Even if the payments are a little over then what I can afford... I will think of something. For a product like this one I will push myself a little harder and make some extra cash. Just as long as I can have it as soon as possible. I will get together with friends at home and we will have a an awesome time. I will use it day and night. I would caress the remote control and we will live happily ever after. I am not sure if I will have any friends left if I have to work all the time in order to afford it? Sure I will have friends. Everyone would want to come look at my TV. I will be the center of attention... and I will answer everyone's questions about it.
Am I exaggerating. Of course I am. But I do it to explain the world around me. That's how I see things. I want to be different too. I want to have something more than the rest of world. Call me crazy. I try to be different and aware. That's why I quit drinking pop and watching TV. And pretend to be a minimalist. I try not to be a sheep. I try to push the door on my little cell. The cell in which I just get the energy sucked out of me. I am not a huge fan of the movie the Matrix but its idea is pretty good. I am one crazy Neo, one Keanu Reeves, one James Dean. A rebel :)
Credit cards are very smart and tricky. Almost magical. You give the cashier the credit card for a second; and then you get whatever it is you are pointing at. Magic wands are for losers... cool wizards have credit cards. They are waaaay more compact then a magic wand. They fit right in your wallet. There probably is an explanation how credit cards work and how we should use them. But why should I bother with that kind of information. The important thing is that I am getting what I want right now. And airplanes fly somehow... even though they are so heavy. But it doesn't matter. What's important is that it lands in Las Vegas. Lately even spending money takes up too much time. It takes energy and time even to go shopping. You have to think what you want, get inspiration to go buy it. It's easier to just throw your money away... as long as it is commonly accepted. How about the chance to win more money... that's it. As long as other people gamble... then I can do that too. It doesn't matter how I would spend more money then I have right now... I can't even think of what to buy. But I will think about that later.
Yeah... I overdid the philosophical part in this post. I think that is enough for today. I am going to go eat something... something with lots of preservatives and chemicals in it. I wish my mom can cook me something right now.