What's New?

FER graduated from YSU on Sunday!!!! Yay! Congratulations babe, I am proud of you! No more going straight from work to school.... more time for me!!!! Sweet! Everyone say Congrats to her!!!!!!
Annoying Me.....
Someone is really starting to annoy me.... hopefully you know who you are. I cannot stand when people are so selfish that they simply care about themselves. That's all on that......
Keep on Truckin'.....
Yeah, so I bought a truck. What's that? Oh, I know you haven't seen it.... that's probably because we cannot find the owner of the title to get another copy.... which we need! Great.... it's like I made a donation to the guy that sold it to me. Merry Christmas!
Toys For Tots.....

Do yourself a favor.... donate a toy to Toys For Tots. Imagine if you were a kid and got nothing for Xmas.... come on! When you were a kid, how long did you anticipate Xmas? I bet it was like the day after Thanksgiving. Not convinced yet? Ok, so if you have kids..... I magine not being able to afford to get them anything.... how embarrassing. What's it gonna cost you? No more than $20... I promise. One unwrapped toy will go for miles in a childs heart. You'll feel good about yourself. Still not convinced? Ok, so do it for me..... No, really. Instead of buying me something that I don't need.... take that money and buy a new, unwrapped toy and drop it off at a Fire Dept. Kids are our future, and they are the ones that matter.
Some holiday advice..... really it can be used any time of the year. If you are a guy, and you are drunk in a bar.... please don't get "Beer Balls".... please don't talk out of your ass.... please don't make me, or one of my boys, punch you in your mouth. Thanks. If you are a girl that likes to wear your hat in the bar..... because you think you are special.... make sure you can back it up. Don't wait until someone is holding back the other girl, or don't keep saying "I am gonna give you 3 seconds to get out of my face"..... once you say it twice..... it has already been like 8 seconds. You might as well say " I am gonna give you 4 days to get out of my face". By the way, if you are reading this, I would move to Nebraska if I were you..... right now. No? Ok, I am sure someone is gonna see you this weekend.