Tuesday, November 15, 2005



As a said before, the party was really good. I am still waiting on the pics so I can make a real post. Stay tuned.......

Football Picks

I went 11-3 on my football picks this week. And Prince has been on a crazy winning streak lately... something like 24-3 over the last 3 weeks. Wow.

Weight Loss

I am formally challenging everyone to a weight loss contest. Not that any of us are fat, but we all have a few extra pounds. You know who you are... Prince, Shaff, Lauren, Murph, Irish, and myself... etc. etc. Let's take a 3 month period and see who can lose the most weight. I bet I can beat you all. I need to know your weight now, and I'll update your progress every week. We will all be better for this.... even though I know most of you are wimps and are scared to lose. Email me your current weight... mine is 230. Fatty.
Any females that want to participate.... I will not post your beginning weight.... just how much you lost. I know it is a sensitive subject.


One of my friends recently made a big mistake and did something to hurt another friend. You will lose some friends over this, but understand that we have all made mistakes. We have all lost friends. A true friend would not abandon you, and a true friend will still be there. Understand this though... A real friend is allowed to be disappointed in you, and they are allowed to tell you exactly how they feel. We are always afraid to say how we feel, and a real friend is not. You messed up. As long as you know that you made a mistake and you learn a lesson from it you'll be ok. You are certainly gonna lose one friend, but you deserve that. You surely didn't consider that person a good friend anyway, based on your actions. As for me? I always put you up on a pedestal, you were perfect... I am mad and disappointed. But, you know what? I still love you, and always will. Learn from this.


Everyone has been asking. Everyday. I don't have an answer for you. I am not sure what this is. I am not sure where it is going. I am not sure how she feels. As much as we talk, and as open as she has been with me... I don't ever know how she feels. I been trying to read her( it's a mistake I always make ), and I am not sure what to think. Most of you know that I am really sensitive to things most people overlook. Example? Ok, so FER had a wedding to go to this weekend in Vegas ( you know what happens there stays there ), and she left on Friday. I got to see her last Tuesday ( a whole week ago.... sigh ) when she came over to watch one of my favorite TV shows.... The Office. We also watched a great new show called Random 1. She came over because she knew that we would not see each other for a week ( I think I also whined a little bit ). She stayed longer than she planned to, and didn't seem to wanna leave. But, she had to.... and I walked her to her car and got the best kiss yet. She is a fantastic kisser, you know. So, she was leaving on Friday... I decided to get up early so I could talk to her... and she was pleasantly surprised. I told her to have a good time, stay away from the boys, and call me whenever. Well, whenever has not come yet......
I should not be disappointed in this. But, I am. I just knew she was gonna call... I mean I knew she was gonna be busy, and I knew she was gonna be having so much fun.... but, she could not go all weekend without talking to me. You know why I knew this? She calls me everyday when she is here. Also, I knew I could not go the whole weekend without talking to her. No way. Well, I did. I don't know. I am crazy about this girl. I wish we would have gotten together last time, and stayed together. Maybe I am crazy.
Anyway, watch The Office tonight... and, Random 1.


Well, as most of you know I have a job interview today.... Yay. Sarcasm. I am really trying to get into a non-profit organization, and it is not as easy as it seems. Hopefully, I will win the MegaMillions lottery tonight. 310 million dollars. $310,000,000. Say it out loud... it sounds so good.


Blogger Jhena said...

You know what Shawn? I thought only women can assume this much about the opposite sex. Anyway, I don't think it's really bad at all. But it may hurt sometimes. Oh well, it's still healthy being optimistic. Good luck!

11:25 PM  
Blogger Jhena said...

Oh well, as for the cherrybombs and jagerbombs info, thanks! So coke and red bull is cokebomb; mountain dew and red bull is mountainbomb, etc. Now I know.

3:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think many people (myself included) are afraid to "define" some thing because once you call it something, then you put it in a box and it creates its own boundaries. Not that I'm saying it's bad... but it has it's nauseating side effects.

Sometimes, maintaining the status quo is the best that you can do, no?

3:21 AM  

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