Some pics of friends.......

This is DjB-Fresh (on your left).... lives in Alabama now....... Miss Ya! He is a great DJ... learned from the best! Can't wait 'til you come home for X-mas!!! Go see him at MySpace.....
Next to him here is his brother.... what's wrong with this picture? One is white and one is black.... oh he isn't? Tell him that.... Josh!!!! You are White!!!!! And you look kinda tough in this pic.... wanna throw down? Lol... Love ya kid! You can see him at MySpace as well.....

This is Brew.... still lives here for now.... he has been a very good friend.... Love Ya! YOU CAN GO SEE HIS PAGE HERE.....

This Alex- or "Bulgarian".... he is my roommate and friend.... he is really cool, and really smart if he'll let you get to know him..... (Just give him some medicine.... aka... beer!) YOU CAN SEE HIM ON MYSPACE.......

Ok if you are sober..... raise your hand.... not so fast fellas! So, Shaff is on your left, Alex in the middle, then me on your right. Shaff is a really cool cat.... got my back always and I got yours.

We have a bunch of girls and the Prince... big surprise! Clockwise: Britt (who is about as cool and sweet as you can get), Amber (crazy, crazy, and crazy.... she is fun as hell!), Sara (so cute, a sweetheart), Amy ( crazy when she is drunk), Prince (whore.... a great friend..... for life bro). By the way that's Big Steve in the backround!

Captain Morgan himself....Bri.... he is a crazy, funny dude. If you don't know... you better ask somebody!

What kind of gangsta face am I making? Looks like I gotta doo doo.... Anyway, your left to right.... Sandy (a real cool gal), Ethrees (or Eric... who cannot call anyone), Lauren (yes, her shirt says "Hugs not Drugs"), and me.

Whoever started the rumor that Lauren was drunk..... oh, forget it... she was. Listen, Lauren is the coolest girl I know.... she is sweet, smart, and will not take your shit. She is always right.... and she loves to watch men make out with each other..... What?! Friend for life... unless you cheat on Shaff.... then we gotta cut a bitch! LOL.....

Is this not the best smile ever? So drunk.... I think you drank yourself retarded.... Hey Shaff, what's the worst part of winning the special olympics? Even if you win, your still retarded! Do you guys like the dog we are holding between us?

If one more person says we were drunk!!!!!!! Who is holding who up here?

Don't cha wish you girlfriend was hot like me? Britt and Cassie.

Hey turn the flash up! Kara and Sara!
See Kara here........
See Sara here........

This is Vinnie.... look familiar? It's my twin!!!! Wanna hear something funny??? My ex (you know, the devil) dated him after she dated me..... wonder why? He is a cool dude.... see him here.....
we were DRUNK!!!!lol
The Bulgarian bloke is cute!
Hey hey the pics Shawn. So I am crazy huh? Ya most of the time...but like you said fun. I love to have fun. Thats my job. :)BER
Neurotic missy... you want to hook up?
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