Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Don't read this!... by Alex

Pain is what defines us. What makes our life good? How do we know we are having a good time? How do we know something makes us happy? I guess I didn't really think about those questions hard enough to think of an answer. But... its pain what makes us enjoy things, its boredom that makes us have a good time, its misery that makes us happy. And what makes us a free... is the opportunity to be able to get away and bend/break the rules sometimes. Can you imagine if your car had a chip that would transmit to the police station every time you hit 36 in 35mph speed limit zone? Technically you are breaking the law if you go over the speed limit. And imagine instanteneously getting a ticket printed from you dashboard. Welcome to the matrix.
Now... what makes pretty girls pretty? That's right... you guessed it. The ugly ones. We can't appreciate beauty if there was nothing ugly. So don't be mean to the ugly ones... they have their purpose. Plus beauty is a very relative thing. Although there are some standards in whats beautiful and what isn't... its usually what you make of it. Thank god people have different taste... otherwise some people will be very miserable... :)
What I am trying to say is... it's all good. And quit bitching.
P.S. I told you not to read this.


Blogger missy said...

I didn't read. Promise!!

4:36 AM  
Blogger Сашо skype: akartchinski79 said...

You are not a very good liar

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can also look at that point the other way around, what makes life miserable could be the simple fact that we, sometimes, have happy moments, in that concern, what is truly important for one to focus on is happiness and joy.

Also, try to be more clear about what you're defending, me not being a native english speaker makes even harder to understand your chain of thought

10:49 AM  

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